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The new British Standard for number plates is coming

Article Published - 15/1/2021

The new British Standard on number plates is coming, BS AU 145e: we'll help you get compliant before it becomes mandatory in September.


Find out what what BS AU 145e means for you with our 2-minute summary video.

   As your number plate manufacturer, we're committed to supporting you through legislative changes, and keeping you informed and able to make practical changes to your business.

  Following an amendment to the law governing number plates made in December 2020, the new British Standard for number plate construction and design is coming into law in September 2021. Between now and August 31st you will be able to use any BS AU 145d grade stocks, alongside the new standard, before it becomes mandatory in September 2021.


The changes in a nutshell:

  • BS AU 145e becomes mandatory in September 2021.
  • Between now and 31st August, you can supply BS AU 145d or BS AU 145e plates.
  • We'll support you and help you become compliant.
  • It is the outlet's responsibility to comply with the latest rules.
  • Jepson & Co's acrylic plate construction is already compliant and PlateSync® software is 'e' ready (when online).


How are Jepson & Co. ltd supporting you with this change?

  • Your Sales & Support Manager will be in touch with you in the coming months to help you transition.
  • Our PlateSync® software is 'e' ready once you've downloaded the latest update.
  • Our acrylic plate construction has been independently certified as BS AU 145e compliant, well in advance of September's deadline.


Certificate of Conformity


What are the key changes to number plates?

The new standard, BS AU 145e, brings the following changes:

  • plate durability has been improved thanks to a new abrasion test
  • two tone digits are no longer allowed, digits must be a solid black colour
  • the plate must show the new standard mark BS AU 145e from September, this may mean your artworks and borders need changing to comply with the updated rules.

The new standard aims to make number plates more secure and long-lasting for all UK vehicles.


For more information on BS AU 145e and how to get compliant, please see a handy pdf guide at the link below.
