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The new British Standard for number plates (BS AU 145e) is coming

Article Published - 6/4/2018

It’s coming! We expect the first legislation update to number plates in more than 17 years to become law in March 2019.

We are pleased to inform you of the latest update on legislation for number plates.

Features of the new standard include:

  • Improved readability: avoiding fixings where possible and improving the contrast between background and digits
  • Introduce even more stringent testing (photometric)
  • Clarify and test the colour of digits printed

This new update supersedes current BS AU 145d legislation. You’ll notice from October this year that your plates start changing over from saying JEPSON BS AU 145d in the bottom right corner to start showing BS AU 145e.

Any product or service from Jepson & Co will be fully compliant with all relevant legislation.

Stay tuned to our website to find out more.