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Enhance your margin with eye-catching Hex plates

Article Published - 5/4/2024

Increase your profit margin with Hex Plates! These number plates are simple to order, easy to create, and can contribute to your business's profitability.

Eye-catching plates

This new style of number plate not only gives a vehicle an eye-catching and modern look but also provides a unique touch that sets your customer's car apart from the rest.

How to order

Purchasing these products is easy – simply log in to your trade account and place your order online.

Marketing support

We can send our customers high-res copies of these images for you to use in your own marketing. 

Part numbers for our Hex Plate products:

Please note these part numbers are for the acrylics.

10015650 = 402 x 111 Hex 5 digits
10015950 = 467 x 111 Hex 6 digits
10016950 = 519 x 111 Hex 7 digits

You will also need to purchase standard oblong reflective material alongside this product and trim around it to make the finished plates.