Cross browser support Use of access keys differs according to which browser is being used.
Internet Explorer 9+: Hold down the "ALT" key and select the number/letter of the access key, then press ENTER
Google Chrome (Mac): Hold down the "CTRL" and "OPTION" key and select the number/letter of the access key
Google Chrome (Windows): Hold down the "ALT" key and select the number/letter of the access key
Mozilla Firefox (Mac): Hold down the "CTRL" and "OPTION" key and select the number/letter of the access key
Mozilla Firefox (Windows): Hold down the "ALT" and "SHIFT" key and select the number/letter of the access key
Microsoft Edge : Hold down the "ALT" key and select the number/letter of the access key
Safari: Hold down the "CTRL" and "OPTION" key and select the number/letter of the access key
Access Keys
ALT and 0: Accessibility
ALT and 1: Home
ALT and 2: Skip Navigation
ALT and 3: Help & Support
ALT and 4: Print & Software Solutions
ALT and 5: Ready Made Plates
ALT and 6: Plate Types, Sizes & Options
ALT and 7: Accessories
ALT and 8: Legislation
ALT and C: Contact Us
ALT and A: About Us
ALT and B: Blog
ALT and S: Site Map
ALT and P: Privacy