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The New Rules on Number Plates

Article Published - 31/8/2018

From March 2019, new rules come in on number plates, making it one of the strictest standards in Europe.

The British Standard on number plates is already tough but as a British Number Plate Manufacturers Association (BNMA) member, you can be assured that any number plates or equipment we supply will meet or exceed the ‘e’ standard from March 2019.

ANPR cameras are driving the change because more than 1 million plates are estimated to be misread every single day*.

Extensive testing ensures Jepson & Co plates and plate components are compliant, including the new highly specific and scientific tests on Abrasion and Near Infrared Contrast.

We have a few recommended actions for you to ensure you stay compliant:

  • notify all your staff that make plates that two-tone/3D digits are no longer allowed
  • upgrade to the latest version of our number plate software, PlateSync®, so you will automatically receive any changes or updates relating to ‘e’
  • keep an eye on our Blog and social media feeds (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook) for the latest updates and bite-size explanations
  • stay tuned to which is relaunching soon and is the industry voice and advice body.

The ‘e’ standard will become effective from March 2019, but ‘e’ compliant materials will start filtering through to our customers from October 2018 so you’ll be compliant in plenty of time.

For more information on the changes relating to BS AU 145e, please watch our introductory video, download our PDF guide below or contact your Area Account Manager.

*Surveillance Camera Commissioner speech at the National ANPR Conference 2017
