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Print number plates

Article Published - 16/9/2022

Want to print number plates? In the motor trade? You’re in the right place.

As one of the UK’s leading number plate manufacturers, we can help you print number plates.

How? Our simple package made up of a number plate printer, clever PlateSync software and cold-press laminator mean you can print number plates in minutes.

Plus: we have 4x the UK’s recommendation rate according to The Institute of Customer Service surveys.

Print number plates with a thermal number plate printer

Only make standard oblong (520x111mm) or lipped oblong (520x125mm) plates?

A Standard Thermal printer would be ideal for you. Robust and consistent, thermal printers are our most popular printer type and can print number plates for 95% of the UK’s vehicles.

We also offer an oversized thermal number plate printer to support customers who want to make either larger plates like 4x4 plates.


Print number plates with a laser number plate printer

Alternatively, if you prefer to print a range of plate sizes but print lower volumes of plates, a laser printer might be ideal for you. Laser printers give you two ways to print number plates:

1. Onto reflective – with a mono (black) print
2. Onto film – with a mono or colour print – but watch out for colours that clash with yellow! Every other plate you sell (or more, if you supply motorcycle plates) will be yellow.

Request a demo

Want to see a printer in action?

Request a demo by contacting our friendly, expert team.